

Maya and Sophia

We are Maya Hernandez and Sophia O’Shaughnessy and work as a two-person doula team. Between the two of us we have birthed and nursed 3 beautiful boys of our own, attended over 200 births, and completed more than 25 certification and training courses. We are also lactation counselors and very passionate about helping you feed your baby with confidence, whichever way you choose.  

Our style of doula care is holistic and relationship based. Our concierge doula model is designed for us to interact frequently with you so that we can really get to know you and tailor our support to meet your physical and emotional needs. Ensuring that you feel safe during labor is the most fundamental and important thing we do as your doulas. We have full confidence that you and your body know how to birth intuitively when you feel safe and lovingly cared for. For this reason, we value building a strong connection and trust with you ahead of your birth. We also believe in the power of education and informed decision making. We really enjoy bringing families together to talk about all things birth and babies related so that we can learn in community. Our doula services include a series of group meetings where we dive deeper into the following topics: birth preparation and coping techniques, postpartum recovery, infant feeding, and newborn care.

Our dream is that new friendships and support networks grow out of these group meetings between our clients because we believe that support in the postpartum period is just as important as during your birth. As mothers and seasoned doulas, we see the postpartum period as being particularly underserved by the medical system. And for that reason we are committed to doulaing you through until you are thriving with your newborn.